When women are losing their hair to chemotherapy, they often immediately think they will have to purchase a cancer wig.  This is not true, and many women forget about the option of buying a cancer head scarf.  There are lots of benefits to buying a head scarf over a cancer wig.  For example, in the summer your head scarf will let much more air near your scalp to cool you off, as opposed to a wig which will get hot and itchy.  It can be very hard to wear a head scarf at first because it’s something you are not used to, but when you look at them as a fashion statement instead of a cover-up for hair loss it is much easier.  To learn more about head scarves, read “The Benefits of Choosing a Head Scarf over a Cancer Wig.”

    About Chemosavvy

    Are you a cancer chemo patient dealing with chemotherapy hair loss? Do you want an attractive, durable wig, hair piece or hat that will also be gentle to your sensitive scalp? Since 1993, our mission has been to provide cancert chemo patients with the best looking and highest quality wigs, hair pieces and hats that offer the most comfort to a tender top. www.chemosavvy.com


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