If you are losing your hair due to chemotherapy or soon will be, there are several measures to take to keep your hair for as long as you can.  In order to mentally prepare yourself for your hair loss  you could start by shopping for your cancer wig or getting your hair cut short.  These tips and other sound advice from recovering cancer patients will help to make losing your hair a bit less traumatizing.  To find out what the other steps are to ready yourself for losing your hair, read “Hair Loss from Cancer Treatment: What Can Be Done About It?”

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    About Chemosavvy

    Are you a cancer chemo patient dealing with chemotherapy hair loss? Do you want an attractive, durable wig, hair piece or hat that will also be gentle to your sensitive scalp? Since 1993, our mission has been to provide cancert chemo patients with the best looking and highest quality wigs, hair pieces and hats that offer the most comfort to a tender top. www.chemosavvy.com


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